Workshops co-Located with LADC 2024

First Workshop on Resilience Engineering in Computer Systems (RECS 2024)

Resilience is the ability to build and sustain a system that can deal effectively with disruptive events. Resilience finds applications across various domains within the engineering and social sciences, including the spectrum of computer systems employed to automate processes, manage data, and ensure efficient operations of essential services such as water, agriculture, energy, transportation, healthcare, and national security.

The Workshop on Resilience Engineering in Computer Systems (RECS 2024) will assemble academic, industry, and government subject matter experts from the various established and emerging disciplines, including junior researchers, to facilitate discussions on challenges and opportunities in designing, implementing, and evaluating resilient computer systems that can withstand disruptions and threats while maintaining functionality and security across diverse domains.

First Latin-American Workshop on Safe and Secure Vehicles (SSV 2024)

Over the past two decades, vehicles have evolved into complex distributed systems on wheels. Even the most basic models now incorporate numerous Electronic Control Units (ECUs) that are interconnected through various networks. During this time, artificial intelligence has increasingly become integrated into automobiles in a variety of applications, including optimizing fuel efficiency, implementing Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and the emergence of the first wave of fully autonomous vehicle prototypes. Emerging communication technologies like 5G and IEEE 802.11p are facilitating connectivity between vehicles and enabling communication with a wide array of other systems globally. In this dynamic landscape, the imperative to maintain seamless, fail-safe, secure, and efficient vehicle operations presents a formidable challenge that paves the way for continuous research and development.