LADC Student Forum 2022
November 21th, 2022
Student Forum
LADC is the major Latin-American event on computer system dependability. The LADC 2022 program will present technical sessions, workshops, tutorials, fast abstracts, keynote talks from international experts in the area and an industrial track. The symposium scope includes recent research results on software and system dependability.
The Symposium is promoted by the CE-TF – Special Committee on Fault Tolerant Systems of the SBC (Brazilian Computer Society). LADC’2022 will be held in Brazil at the beautiful city of Fortaleza/CE from November 21 to 24.
The Student Forum at LADC welcomes fresh and exciting ideas from students working in the field of dependable and secure computing. The forum is a great opportunity for students to present and receive early feedback on their research objectives, methods, and preliminary results.
Submission Guidelines
Student papers should be single-authored, no longer than 6 pages in length, and formatted using the ACM sigconf template (double column, \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart} for LaTeX. Students should submit papers as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file through JEMS.
The JEMS link for paper submission is:
LADC’2022 Student Forum accepted papers will be publishet at SOL-SBC Open Lib
Comments and questions should be directed to the Student Forum Chair: Fernando Dotti (fernando.dotti at pucrs.br).
Major topics include, but are not limited to:
- Dependability of hardware: fault tolerant architectures, multi-core systems, virtualization, nanoscale computers, hardware dependability assessment;
- Dependability of software: frameworks and software architectures for dependability, runtime monitoring, adaptation, model driven dependability engineering, testing, verification, software certification;
- Dependability of networks: LAN, WAN, mobile, ad-hoc, sensor networks, protocols;
- Dependability of data: storage, databases;
- Dependability of maintenance: tuning performance and availability, security configuration;
- Dependability and human issues: human-computer interaction, management of complex systems;
- Security: foundations, policies, protocols, access control, intrusion detection, intrusion tolerance;
- Safety: incidents & accidents, risk perception and analysis, safety-critical applications and systems;
- Critical infrastructure protection;
- Algorithms and methods for dependable and secure computing;
- Dependability and security modeling, measurement and benchmarking.
Important Dates
- Paper submission:
September 16thSeptember 23rd , 2022. - Author notification: September 30th, 2022.
- Camera Ready: October 10th, 2022.